The Sapphire is managed by Ressco. (Photo: Google Maps)
You ever wonder about those 1960s apartment towers along the Lodge in Southfield? A Google search says they're luxury. A Google search also produces a story that says they're without heat in this last blast of winter, prompting at least one tenant to graffiti "It's cold" and "No heat" into a hallway wall.
It's been cold at the Sapphire apartments for nearly a week, WXYZ-TV reports, citing multiple residents. This is apparently a recurring problem:
A lack of heat at The Sapphire apartments prompted the tenant to buy multiple space heaters. Having lived in the unit with his family for almost a year, he said that's long enough.
They're preparing to move, and he's done dealing with management over chronic heat problems and other issues.
"Every two weeks, it works and then it's off for two weeks," he said.
The building is managed by Ressco, which is oversees more than a dozen apartment complexes throughout metro Detroit.
Reached by the TV station, the company says it's "working to fix as quickly as possible."