Fox 2's Scott Wolchek
Scott Wolchek, the son of Fox 2 investigative consumer reporter Rob Wolchek, has joined his father at work.
"We are very pleased to announce the addition of a new Reporter/Anchor to Fox 2: Scott Wolchek," Fox 2 said in an announcement. "Scott is an Oakland University grad who has worked as a reporter at WILX in Lansing and WNEM in Saginaw. He's also worked locally at CW 50, Total Traffic & Weather Networks. Scott is thrilled to join Fox 2 and says it has been his dream since he was first featured in a Fame or Shame on Chia Pets back when he was 6 with his dad."
Rob Wolchek came to Fox 2 in 1997. As an investigative reporter he goes after crooked business people and scammers and puts them in his "Hall of Shame."